Wednesday, August 11, 2010

the rwanda experiment

So, three years ago Janet and I started a blog entitled "the ohio experiment" to chronicle our move from Wisconsin to Ohio for the purpose of my attending law school. After three years of life tormented by classwork and study, and marked by very few blogging entries, we're going to have another go at this...

For those who don't know, after the Ohio Bar Examination, and a marvelous 10 days of much needed quality time with my wife, Janet, I set off for Kigali, Rwanda to serve as a clerk to the President of the Supreme Court of Rwanda (that's Chief Justice in U.S. terms).

the rwanda experiment will chronicle some professional, but mostly personal experiences for family and friends, as most of you do not have the benefit of daily Skype conversations that Janet and I have. the rwanda experiment is so named, as was our other blog. I will include bits from what will become an extensive travelogue of my time in Africa. Stay tuned. I'm behind on my travelogue already, but will have extensive posts in the near future.


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